How to add your own fields to the ui Edit Item page ic4.8.x.
These instructions show you how to add a field to the record editor pages in
the admin ui. This assumes you are adding a field to the 'products' table,
it has already been added in the database, and Interchange is aware of it. remeber to add addt'l columns/field names to corresponding *.txt files within the Products folder, i.e. merchandising.txt.
1) Log in to the admin ui with super user permissions.
2) Go to the Administration section.
3) Click on tables.
4) Click on the Products table icon to edit the table entries.
5) Click on the link 'products' immediately after the 'Select table to edit' heading.
You are now at the mv_metadata settings which define the display of the table data.
6) Add the name of your field to the list named 'Fields to edit'. These are
in the order they will be displayed for editing.
7) Click OK
The field should now appear in the edit item page.
8) Now go to edit an item - your field should be there.
9) Click on the 'meta' link next to the field name. (it there is no 'meta' link you need to set the variable 'UI_META_LINK' to 1 in the Admin Control preference group.
10) set up the label, field type, width etc. and save.
>Hello all:
>Basics: IC 5.0.1, MYSQL, FreeBSD 4.7
>I'm attempting to add the ability for one item to be within several (3)
>separate Promotions. In doing so, I created two additional fields within the
>merchandising table called featured_2 and featured_3. I'm able to add the
>two additional widgets (for the two new fields) within the "Select for table
>edit: merchandising" UI though I can't find a way to add the two widgets to
>the "Merchandising Editor" UI or the "Promotion: edit item" UI. Any ideas?
>David Radovanovic
You'll want to edit the ui_data_fields string which is set on the admin
page(s) for these functions (i.e.: admin/item_feature.html). The admin
pages are located in VENDROOT/lib/UI/pages/admin/ and can be edited there
for a server-wide modification, or the page of concern can be copied to
CATROOT/pages/admin/ for a single-catalog mod. Once the field appears on
the editor form, you can change the meta to use the widget and related
properties you desire.
- Ed L.